Balance moves are an essential part of any yoga practice because they stress
concentration during activity. It is for this reason that many people "shy"
away from them. This routine is adapted from one developed by Aadil Pakivala,
and is a challenging routine. Tree posture is used several times in this routine
and is a good "test" to see how you are doing.
Note: This is a higher energy routine, so first just go through it then try
to perfect it. Use a wall for stability whenever possible or as directed.
Opening Sequence
Lay on towel for 3-5 min
Virasana/Parvatasana (stretch arms over head in hero pose)
Eagle (Garudasana) - warm up using just legs (start with right leg over left)
on floor 2x each side 5 breaths
Gently go into Down Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) - 5-10 breaths
Tree (Vrksasana) - 3x each side holding 3-5 breaths
Eagle (Garudasana) standing 2x each side 5 breaths
Trianle (Trikonasana) triangle 10 breaths
Side Angle (Parsvakonasana) side angle 10 breaths
Warrior I [Exaulted Warrior] (Virabhadrasana I) 5 breaths each side
Warrior II [Proud Warrior] (Virabhadrasana II) 5 breaths each side
Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana) 5 breaths on chair or against wall
Warrior III [Steady Warrior] (Virabhadrasana III) 5 breaths on chair or against
wall. Work on getting hips flat.
Work this posture against the wall in two ways
1) Place foot against wall and use chair for arms - concentrate on pressing
big toe mounds against surfaces
and rotating inner thigs towards one another.
2) Place foot on chair or against wall and try to balance bringing arms up.
Standing "Big Toe" stretch (Utthita Hasta Padagusthasana) this is
a great one for hamstrings and quadraceps
Place back against wall so that supporting heel is in line with buttocks.
Use strap for lifted leg and press out through both heels while trying not
to lean into wall.
Hold 5-10 breaths each side.
Tree (Vrksasana) tree - 1x each side hold 5-10 breaths
Forward straddle bend (Prasarita Padottanasana) - back parallel to floor lengthen
through front side. Hold 10-15 breaths
Tree (Vrksasana) tree - 1x each side hold 5-10 breaths)
Down Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) - 5-15 breaths
Dolphin pose - headstand leadup Press down and forward with elbows 10 breaths
Urdva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog) bring spine forward and press away
with heels to activate quadraceps
Kakasana (crow pose) press knees into elbows to support and lift strongly through
pit of abdomen
Up dog / down dog 3 times
Feet against wall on bolster (Viparita karani) 40-50 breaths
Relaxation (Savasana ) 5-10 min.