This is a suggested routine for those who are beginning yoga. Follow the principles of alignment and practice a minimum of three (3) times a week. You can practice more, but don't force the postures and be patient. Learning does not happen linearly, but in "quantum leaps."
Beginner's Routine 15-20 min.
Standing Postures
Triangle (Utthia Trikonasana) 1-2 times on each side hold for 9 breaths.
Side Angle Posture 1 time on each side hold for 9 breaths
Warrior I (Virahadrasana I - Exhalted Warrior) 1 time on each side hold for 9 breaths
Extended Side Stretch (Parsottanasa) 1 time on each side hands on top of thigh hold for 9 breaths
Chair Pose (Utkansana) Hold with sitzbones against wall practice 3 times for 6 breaths each
Sitting Postures
Cat movement: With the breath repeat 3-6 times
Cow movement: with breath repeat 3-6 times
Reclining Twists: Focus on active exhalation and passive inhalation repeat 3 times for 6 breaths each
Bridge Posture Perform with breath rolling up and down the spine with exhalation (rolling up) and inhalation (rolling down) repeat 3 times (rest for a couple of breaths between each bridge)
Sphinx posture hold for 12 breaths
Cobra posture 2x for 6 breaths. Emphasize lifting the back
Locust posture 2x with each leg. Hold for 6 breaths each
Reclining hand to toe posture (using strap): Hold strap with both hands, keep extending through both heels, hold each leg stretch for 9 breaths.
Quick relaxation (Sponge pose): Count down from 12-0 with each exhalation.