Sun Salutation is almost as old as Hatha Yoga. It is a vinasana. A vinasana
is a series of postures that flow together like the "wind", hence
the prefix "vin" which means wind. There are several varieties of
Sun Saluation. This one is one I adopted from other beginning forms. This
modified series enables a beginner or a person that lacks flexibility to gain
the benefits of a flow series.
is suggested that you start with 2-3 repetitions very slow as a warm up holding
each position for 2-3 breaths (a repetition is both right and left sides).
After Sun Saluations, you can go on to do Triangle pose, Side Angle pose Warrior
2 pose and Down Dog pose for standing work. This full sequence should take
at least 20-25 minutes with a 5 min relaxation. What follows is the Sun Salutation
for beginners with comments for proper alignment, safety and proper effort.
- Beginning position.
(Tadasana) Begin with feet either together or hip width apart, make
sure feet are parallel.
- Next, INHALE while bringing hands into nameste position (greeting
or salutation position at the middle of the breast bone) as shown here. Once
there, EXHALE and look down at finger tips.
- Initiating the movement with an INHALATION, raise your hands straight
above head (making sure that the pit of the abdomen is pulled up) if your
shoulders are tight, take hands slightly in front as shown on the right-hand
- Next, EXHALING and making sure the pit of abdomen pulled up to add
constructive resistence to the forward bend, go into a forward bend with knees
bent. If you cannot touch the floor, use blocks, a chair (see Beginning Lunges in Asanas) as shown here. (Note: Forward bend with knees bent hands on blocks or other
prop. Feet still parallel and pit of abdomen still pull up to save back
from undo strain. Make sure feet are parallel.)
- Next, INHALING, take the right leg back to "kneeling" posture,
note that the left (front) knee is straight above left ankle for knee health! EXHALE.
- Next, INHALING, lift your chest and hands keeping eyes on a spot
ahead of you about 10 feet away so as to keep your balance. (Downward facing puppy, note knees are spread to allow
abdomen to rest between legs. Arms are straight pressing away from tailbone
creating a long line. (For practitioners with experience you can go up to Down Dog.))
- Now, INHALING, come back up to "table" position and with
an EXHALE perform a startled cat posture.
- Inhale then, EXHALING, lunge up with right leg to a position similar to step
5 (except with right leg up and left leg back this way you get one side stretched
and both sides of groin and hips stretched) and lift arms as shown here.
- Next, inhale, then EXHALE and bring right foot up equal to left foot, (without
holding breath take a second to make sure both feet are parallel--at this
stage, alignment is much more important than fluidity!)
- With an INALATION, come up, knees bent and arms to side to standing
stretched position as shown here.
- With an EXHALATION, bringing hands back to namaste position (greeting
postion) getting ready for the next side.