1. Continue to practice diaphragmatic breathing for about five minutes each
2. Take about 5-10 minutes to practice the cat stretch routine. Practice about
3-4 repetitions of each of the movements you do. (Note: Make sure you practice
each movement slowly, especially on the relaxation phase, hold for 4-5 counts
on each hold phase.)
3. Practice the following postures
Mountain Posture (standing posture) for 10 seconds
Tree Posture
Triangle Posture
Sitting forward bend with legs crossed (alternate legs). Then lean back and
press down.
Cobra (perform 2 repetitions)
Simple Twist (2 repetitions on each side)
Relaxation (5 min)
During the day try to walk working with "Breathplay". Try to walk
using this breath pattern. Inhale for 3 steps and exhale for 4 steps. (You will
notice that you will be landing on alternate feet at the end of each exhale.
Try to use the diaphragmatic breath technique. The main point is to make the
exhalation 1 count longer than the inhalation so you can lengthen or shorten
the pattern as you need. (When I walk I use a 9/10 pattern and when I jog, I
use a 3 / 4 pattern.)
Follow this pattern for about 2-3 minutes and return to normal breath pattern.
You can use this walking down the hall, walking to your car, etc. 4.
Mindfulness activity: During your meals, try to chew one piece of food for
30 times. Bring your awareness to what you are eating, what is happening to
your food, what your thoughts/emotions are, etc. Perform this once at each meal.