Somatic Cat Stretch

Developed by Thomas Hanna, PhD

This routine was developed by Thomas Hanna, a somatic educator and "voice" for the field of somatic studies. This routine is designed to be gentle and performed slowly so as to educate your nervous system to release muscles.

Practice Suggestion: Perform these movements in the morning and/or in the evening for best results especially if you feel stressed or stiff. The minimal routine should take about 10-15 min.

Torso Curls (forward flexion and backward extension of spine)

Begin on back with knees bent and feet flat on floor.
Inhale and press shoulders, elbows and back of head gently against the floor allowing the lower back to arch and chest expand.
Hold for about 4-5 secs while breathing.


Exhale and press lower (waistline) into floor while lifting head with hands (mini sit up).
Hold for 4-5 secs in this position and release gently into the next repetition.
(Minimum repetitions -3)



 Beginning Cobra (backward extension of spine and upper back muscles)

Begin lying on stomach with right hand under left cheek
Turn head to right and bring right hand up under the bottom cheek so that your head is lying on your hand. (see photo)


Lift your head and arm as one unit off the ground 2-4 inches while simultaneously extending and lifting your left leg off the ground about 2-4 inches.


Repeat that twice on that side, and then switch sides (turn head to left and bring left hand under bottom cheek) and repeat 2-3 times.
Next, bring both arms down to each side of your body and gently lift your head and chest off the floor towards ceiling. (do not throw head back!) support chest and head with arms (hands are just in front of shoulders and elbows are by the sides).
Hold this for 4-5 secs and slowly lower down to ground.
Repeat this movement 2-3 more times.

Side Stretches (tones and lengthens the waist and works upper spine)

Lie on right side with knees straight out as if sitting in a chair and you fell over on your side lower legs are bent at 90 degree angle)
Bring your left hand over your head and grab your right ear.


Lift your head up towards ceiling simultaneously lift your left foot towards
ceiling keeping your knees together (going knock kneed with right leg on ground).


Hold this position for 4-5 secs (breath in hold phase).
Repeat this movement 3-4 times on one side lay back on back and sense difference between right and left side of body before performing other side.

Reclining Twists (works chest and hips joints great for lower back)

Lie on your back with your knees up and feet flat on floor.
Bring arms straight out to the sides.
Let knees fall to left as your turn your head to the right.


Bring knees up to neutral and left fall to right and look to left.
Next, let knees fall to left, turning your head to right but this time turn your right arm so that the palm rotates up and turn your left arm so that the palm rotates down. (the right shoulder will press into the ground and the left shoulder will lift off the ground).
Breath deeply into the belly and feel the stretch from the fingers through the abdomen all the way down to the knees.
Repeat this movement on the other side.
Alternate sides 3-4 times holding each side for 5-6 secs or 3-4 breaths.

Beginning Bridge

(Opens torso, strengthens back and legs)
Lie on your back, knees bent so feet are flat on floor, arms down to the sides of your body.
Gently contract thigh muscles and push down against floor with your feet lifting your back off the floor.
Keep pushing until your back is totally off the floor, your chest is arched, and weight is on feet and shoulders. (Don't let knees go out to the sides press down with the pads of the big toes.)
Hold position for 4-5 secs continue breathing.
Repeat 3-4 times.


Repeat torso arches in movement one (torso curls) 2-3 times.
Stretch out and relax for a couple of minutes.
Roll over to your right side and slowly push yourself up to sitting position.